Short films
Short films have a smaller budget when you compare it to a feature film and yet they shoulder big expectations. It cannot compromise on any process – be it story-boarding, direction or post production. It has to cover every facet of film making, whilst keeping a check on resources. The challenges don’t end there. It cannot go too fast as it cannot risk comprehension.
It cannot be too low as it cannot waste precious screen time. Directors, artists, cinematographers etc who work on short films have a very different DNA. They optimise wherever they can.
Short films also have a very different audience. They are not looking for main stream entertainment, they are looking for some quick action. There won’t be disappointment with lack of dance and music. But they will be unforgiving if the story is run-of-the-mill. The script of short films needs to have a gripping twist at every juncture and needs to unfold quickly. We have worked on a number of genres – suspense, comedy, thriller, action etc and we know how to render each one of them. Our team of writers, directors, artists etc can ensure your goal is met. Give us a brief and watch us unfold beautiful ideas that promise a roomful of success.
We will not only work through a great script, but will also ensure that the execution is perfect. Like wise, right from auditioning the artists to scouting for locations and hiring equipment will be our responsibility. Consequently, our in-house team of experts will handle all the production activities including pre and post production. So, you don’t have to run from pillar to post.
Short films are made for different purposes. We can create a one-off video to reflect your audience’s current lifestyle and subtly fit your product in it. Further more, we can even create a series to feed your digital channels and build some audience affinity.